My Public / Unpublished Books (9)

  • This pencil loves stories! Gain fun ideas for stories from him.
    by Aaralyn Borden
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  • This book is about six dogs who are strays they want a home and family but don't want to be separated. They will soon find that with a new addition that they already are a family.
    by Aaralyn Borden
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  • This story is about a girl named Leah who struggles to cope with her Grandfathers death.
    by Aaralyn Borden
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  • Macy, Charlie, and David face their fears and seek help to achieve their dreams of acting, athletics, and law, learning that failure is part of the journey.
    by Aaralyn Borden
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  • Learn the ABC's, Animals, and Adjectives in this fun Animal ABC's book.
    by Aaralyn Borden
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  • This story is about two sisters. One sister likes to steal all the attention, but in the end they find that words were all they needed.
    by Aaralyn Borden
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  • Gilbert is away a lot and struggle to make friends, but Gilbert finds Mrs. Emmy.
    by Aaralyn Borden
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  • Don't cry is a book to help calm down by quickly noticing what's around you.
    by Aaralyn Borden
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  • About a little girl who is looking for a friend. She finds that friends come in all forms and from all places.
    by Aaralyn Borden
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