My Public / Unpublished Books (7)

  • A Cat and a Monkey watch chestnuts roast. Flattered by the Monkey, the Cat burns her paws trying to grab them, only to find the Monkey has eaten them all. Beware of flattery.
    by Helen Alexander
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  • Androcles, a slave, helps a lion with a thorn in its paw. When faced with danger, the lion recognizes his friend, leading to Androcles' freedom and the lion's return to the wild.
    by Helen Alexander
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  • The good people defend their country from bad wolves. Good dogs capture bad dogs. Good cats are hurt but winning. The bad animals retreat and the good people celebrate.
    by Helen Alexander
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  • It's a strugle for the Crow but fun and fantastic
    by Helen Alexander
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  • A spoilt girl named Amanda is given a mission by a lion to find and free a captive princess.
    by Helen Alexander
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  • by Helen Alexander
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  • A collection of short stories about different dogs and their favorite activities.
    by Helen Alexander
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