My Public / Unpublished Books (8)

  • by Alvena Anwar
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  • Willard, a poor boy, faces bullying at school and gets kidnapped but is saved by an old man. His parents enroll him in a better school.
    by Alvena Anwar
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  • by Alvena Anwar
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  • This book has a piece of huge advice and this shows how Noah came to follow this piece of advice
    by Alvena Anwar
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  • A poor woodcutter loses his axe in a river, and with the help of Mercury, he is rewarded for his honesty.
    by Alvena Anwar
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  • this reader gives you a moral read it and then tell me what moral you get from it . I can explain it's outline . a rich man arranges a feast ----no fish---ready to pay any rice ---a fisherman brings a fine fish --- gate-keeper refuses admission ---promises to pay half the price--- wants one hundred lashes--- stop at fifty ---partner.
    by Alvena Anwar
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  • my name is alveena anwer I am a story writer on story jumper I am in class 5 and idk that if this story is good or bad because I am a beginner so check it out and give your opinions and my tell me my mistakes so next time I can clear the mistake.
    by Alvena Anwar
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