My Public / Unpublished Books (5)

  • Candace, a high school graduate, prepares for prom and a pool party. She overcomes her insecurities and has a great time with her friends.
    by alyliromo
    Eye Icon 44
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  • Charlotte prepares for a special event by shopping for skincare and makeup, finding the perfect products to enhance her appearance and boost her confidence.
    by alyliromo
    Eye Icon 116
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  • Kate prepares for a photo shoot, using skincare products to reduce shine and enhance her appearance.
    by alyliromo
    Eye Icon 126
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  • A magazine editor struggles to decide on content for the week, eventually settling on a fashion article about trendy and unfashionable clothing items.
    by alyliromo
    Eye Icon 33
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  • Grandma Ansley, once young and full of life, starts experiencing back pain and frown lines. With the help of her daughter's cream and a healthier lifestyle, she regains her youth and enjoys time with her grandchildren.
    by alyliromo
    Eye Icon 91
    Star Icon 7
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