My Public / Unpublished Books (5)

  • A child describes their love for the city, zoo, school, and dance, and their move to Tennessee. They learn to be grateful and use their imagination.
    by Allison Arcuri
    Eye Icon 73
    Star Icon 14
  • A story about the importance of friendship and teamwork, with a focus on lifelong bonds and helping the environment.
    by Allison Arcuri
    Eye Icon 14
    Star Icon 3
  • by Allison Arcuri
    Eye Icon 9
    Star Icon 2
  • i love yo8
    by Allison Arcuri
    Eye Icon 33
    Star Icon 1
  • The story tells how Johnny Appleseed, a kind person, helped Indians, pioneers, and animals by giving them apples and telling stories.
    by Allison Arcuri
    Eye Icon 53
    Star Icon 13

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