My Published Books (1)

  • A girl named Skye, known as 'The Pink Girl,' moves to a pink street but is disappointed when her new house isn't pink inside. She overcomes her sadness and has a good day at school.
    by Benneth Arinze
    Eye Icon 41
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My Public / Unpublished Books (2)

  • Skye befriends a new student, Maya, who is from Nigeria. Despite facing bullying and prejudice, Skye stands up for Maya and they become good friends.
    by Benneth Arinze
    Eye Icon 23
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  • Skye, a girl with three sisters, prepares for a school performance and overcomes challenges along the way.
    by Benneth Arinze
    Eye Icon 20
    Star Icon 2

My Collection - "The pink Girl collection" Follow Collection

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