My Published Books (5)

  • Old Sloth gives his Golden Banana to Grandpa Parrot, but it gets stolen by Young Monkey. Detective Leopard helps solve the case, and Young Monkey learns the importance of honesty.
    by Arthur Kopec
    Eye Icon 120
    Star Icon 9
  • Brian's neglected belongings come to life and leave him, teaching him a lesson about cherishing his things.
    by Arthur Kopec
    Eye Icon 69
    Star Icon 1
  • In the hospital, Alycia finds herself in the Hall of Dead with two others. They are told they must face three trials to prove their courage and selflessness. They encounter challenges and help each other along the way. In the end, they become demi-gods and vow to help others.
    by Arthur Kopec
    Eye Icon 58
    Star Icon 1
  • by Arthur Kopec
    Eye Icon 76
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  • In the year 2324, Earth is in danger of exploding due to pollution. A group of astronauts goes to Mars and encounters aliens. Through communication and trade, they become friends and live together.
    by Arthur Kopec
    Eye Icon 62
    Star Icon 4

My Public / Unpublished Books (2)

  • by Arthur Kopec
    Eye Icon 1
    Star Icon 1
  • Mindy enters a forbidden mansion and gets trapped in a time-twisting maze while trying to save her father from a ghostly spirit.
    by Arthur Kopec
    Eye Icon 86
    Star Icon 3
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