My Public / Unpublished Books (5)

  • It's about dogs that don't know where to sine up for the dogs race.
    when they found the sine up place they go to the dog race.
    and then..........
    by auqafish132
    Eye Icon 44
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  • Shannon introduces her sister Isla, describing her interests and personality. They have a close relationship despite occasional conflicts.
    by auqafish132
    Eye Icon 160
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  • Two sisters, Shannon and Isla, constantly fight. Their mother intervenes and they apologize to each other. They go to the pool with friends and have fun.
    by auqafish132
    Eye Icon 48
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  • IT is about a boy named steve playing his ex-box and instead of playing it he went into it.
    by auqafish132
    Eye Icon 465
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  • Well the cucumber's friend says on Monday you and me will fright and at the end the cucumber says no more so they became best friends forever
    by auqafish132
    Eye Icon 40
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