My Public / Unpublished Books (8)

  • Mia and Jake bake a cake for their mom's birthday, but a dog knocks it down. They fix it together, realizing it's the love that makes it special, not just the appearance.
    by Besan Nassar
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  • by Besan Nassar
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  • by Besan Nassar
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  • by Besan Nassar
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  • Liam and Emma journey north to see the mountains, learning about life and balance through encounters with nature and an old man in a village celebration.
    by Besan Nassar
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  • Liam and Jake find a lost kite and return it to a little girl. When their friend Max gets hurt, they help him, showing the importance of friendship.
    by Besan Nassar
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  • Jake and his friends go camping in the forest, excited for adventure. They face fears and enjoy their time together, wishing they could camp every weekend.
    by Besan Nassar
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  • Jamal and his father find a broken boat and return it to its owner, learning the value of honesty and kindness in the process.
    by Besan Nassar
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