My Public / Unpublished Books (5)

  • A kind old lady helps a wounded deer in winter, forming a bond of friendship that reminds her of the power of kindness in the world.
    by Brigitta Papp
  • Explore various food-related jobs like chefs, waiters, and bakers, detailing their roles, workplaces, and uniforms, inspiring readers to consider a career in the culinary field.
    by Brigitta Papp
  • Firefighters are brave heroes who fight fires, rescue people, and teach safety. They have various roles, including paramedics and investigators, ensuring our safety in emergencies.
    by Brigitta Papp
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  • This poem explores various healthcare professions, highlighting their roles and the care they provide to help people heal and stay healthy.
    by Brigitta Papp
  • On a cold winter's day, various animals find shelter in an old glove, learning that sharing warmth and kindness is more important than space.
    by Brigitta Papp
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