My Published Books (2)

  • A hare with a magic wand learns the importance of kindness and humility after misusing his wishes and almost drowning.
    by Brooklyn Suwanpoonsook (student)
    Eye Icon 50
    Star Icon 4
  • Jade, a red panda, shares her daily experiences in her diary, including school, family, and a dangerous encounter on a field trip.
    by Brooklyn Suwanpoonsook (student)
    Eye Icon 117
    Star Icon 9

My Public / Unpublished Books (1)

  • Ella, a young camel, shares her daily experiences and emotions in her diary, including moving schools, the death of her grandparents, her birthday, and becoming a big sister.
    by Brooklyn Suwanpoonsook (student)
    Eye Icon 72
    Star Icon 1
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