My Public / Unpublished Books (8)

  • A descriptive and informative story about bees and their relationship with flowers, honey production, and beekeeping.
    by Miss Katherine
    Eye Icon 47
  • A simple story about different pets and a drawing challenge.
    by Miss Katherine
    Eye Icon 26
    Star Icon 1
  • A story about a day at the beach, packing and unpacking items, and a poem about seashells.
    by Miss Katherine
    Eye Icon 27
  • A fun and interactive book that teaches children about different animals and the sounds they make.
    by Miss Katherine
    Eye Icon 40
    Star Icon 4
  • A little bear gets lost in the woods and seeks help from various animals to find his way home.
    by Miss Katherine
    Eye Icon 61
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  • by Miss Katherine
    Eye Icon 45
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  • A family goes on a holiday and explores the world using various modes of transportation.
    by Miss Katherine
    Eye Icon 48
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  • A child asks for help finding the colors of their rainbow, using fruits as clues. They find all the colors and have fun along the way.
    by Miss Katherine
    Eye Icon 145
    Star Icon 4

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