My Public / Unpublished Books (4)

  • Timothy is feeling a range of emotions and seeks help to find what's missing in his life. He discovers that happiness is the key.
    by chantaltanous
    Eye Icon 14
  • Daniel's cat Lucy goes missing while he is talking to his friend Fay. Daniel searches for her and finds her up a tree. He realizes he should have introduced Fay to Lucy.
    by chantaltanous
    Eye Icon 31
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  • This book introduces the kids to different activities they can do during the winter season.
    by chantaltanous
    Eye Icon 26
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  • A hedgehog who lived all his life alone in the forest finally meets someone who makes him feel happy and welcomed into his family. The hedgehog could be anyone who feels alone and finally find someone who may change his life.
    by chantaltanous
    Eye Icon 19
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