My Published Books (1)

  • Bunny who didn't learn his lesson and the consequences that followed!
    by courtsterr9
    Eye Icon 1654
    Star Icon 11

My Public / Unpublished Books (3)

  • Quincy, a lonely dog, goes on a quest to find a friend but faces rejection. He eventually finds his way home and discovers his owner got him a friend named Abbey.
    by courtsterr9
    Eye Icon 33
    Star Icon 1
  • A lullaby about a father promising to buy his baby various gifts if they don't cry, with each gift escalating in value.
    by courtsterr9
    Eye Icon 384
    Star Icon 2
  • A caterpillar feels sad about not turning into a butterfly like his friends, but eventually transforms and becomes a beautiful butterfly.
    by courtsterr9
    Eye Icon 856
    Star Icon 4

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