My Published Books (7)

  • Jack learns about death when his pet fish, Horace, dies. He asks his parents questions and they explain different beliefs about death.
    by Christina Palmer
    Eye Icon 133
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  • Jack and his brothers are scared of getting shots, but their parents explain the importance of being responsible and brave.
    by Christina Palmer
    Eye Icon 132
    Star Icon 5
  • Four children named Kick, Nick, Jack, and Little Mo hate vegetables but eventually learn to love them and become healthy.
    by Christina Palmer
    Eye Icon 177
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  • Jack is a little boy who is afraid of trying new things, but with the encouragement of his parents, he overcomes his fear and goes to the dentist.
    by Christina Palmer
    Eye Icon 81
  • Jack, a little boy, doesn't like brushing his teeth and cries when asked to do so. After some thinking, he decides to be tough and starts brushing his teeth without crying.
    by Christina Palmer
    Eye Icon 66
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  • Jack, a special and thoughtful boy, learns to accept differences and be friends with Buster, despite their different food choices.
    by Christina Palmer
    Eye Icon 223
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  • A child describes their special and talented grandpa, who loves reading, writing, history, being healthy, doing handstands, making movies, and teaching. He is also a loving husband and grandfather.
    by Christina Palmer
    Eye Icon 91
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My Public / Unpublished Books (1)

  • Dr. JJ takes care of his sick baby brother, Baby Max, who has an ear infection. He explains the infection and how antibiotics and probiotics work.
    by Christina Palmer
    Eye Icon 71
    Star Icon 1
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