My Public / Unpublished Books (7)

  • A description of giant pumpkin growing in Wisconsin, including history, techniques, and records.
    by Daniela Murgulet
    Eye Icon 24
  • Mrs. Boot and her children, Poppy and Sam, go to the market to buy geese and a duck. They have an adventure chasing after a runaway goose.
    by Daniela Murgulet
    Eye Icon 73
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  • Stefan the Great defends Moldova against Turkish invaders. The Moldovan army, low on supplies and hope, is saved by storks bringing grapes.
    by Daniela Murgulet
    Eye Icon 58
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  • A brief history and description of Trinidad and Tobago, including its settlement, size, landscape, and tourist attractions.
    by Daniela Murgulet
    Eye Icon 66
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  • by Daniela Murgulet
    Eye Icon 53
  • Alice attends a tea party with the March Hare and the Hatter. They argue about room and wine, and the Dormouse tells a story.
    by Daniela Murgulet
    Eye Icon 101
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  • Daniela Murgulet, an English teacher from Moldova, introduces herself, her family, hobbies, and school. She asks readers about themselves and their schools.
    by Daniela Murgulet
    Eye Icon 141
    Star Icon 7
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