My Public / Unpublished Books (5)

  • Tommy and Sam build a snowman, have some mishaps, and learn to be cautious in winter weather.
    by Deema Ibraheem
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  • Lily, a little girl, disobeys her parents and goes on an adventure. She helps a goat but gets hurt. Learns to listen to parents and follow safety rules.
    by Deema Ibraheem
  • Timmy learns a valuable lesson about not judging based on appearances when he encounters a sad clown and a frowning cow.
    by Deema Ibraheem
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  • Twin brothers Max and Leo disobey their mother's warning and Max falls from a tree. They learn the importance of safety and looking out for each other.
    by Deema Ibraheem
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  • Doctor Lisa helps her neighbor Mike's sick dog Buddy, teaching him about responsible pet ownership.
    by Deema Ibraheem
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