My Public / Unpublished Books (4)

  • Explore diverse Christmas traditions from Croatia, Greece, Poland, Serbia, and Turkey, highlighting unique customs, foods, and celebrations that bring families together during the festive season.
    by Demi Rouv
    Eye Icon 62
  • A collection of six short stories about children overcoming challenges and achieving their dreams.
    by Demi Rouv
    Eye Icon 79
  • A table of contents for a project about game apps used in education, including creators, games, and links.
    by Demi Rouv
    Eye Icon 353
    Star Icon 2
  • The story is about a group of students from different countries who work together to create a digital dictionary. They learn about various digital terms and play games related to them. The story promotes digital literacy and collaboration.
    by Demi Rouv
    Eye Icon 169
    Star Icon 4

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