My Public / Unpublished Books (5)

  • In a village surrounded by a forest, a young girl named Lily befriends a misunderstood monster, changing the villagers' perception and living happily ever after.
    by DJ Roche
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  • A group of friends explore a haunted mansion, encountering ghosts and uncovering its dark past.
    by DJ Roche
    Eye Icon 58
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  • Super Max, the Hero Dog: Max was an ordinary dog who loved to chase squirrels and play fetch with his owner. But one day, he found a strange glowing bone buried in the backyard. He decided to take a bite, and suddenly felt a surge of energy. He realized he could fly, shoot lasers from his eyes, and read minds. He decided to use his new powers to help people and animals in need.
    by DJ Roche
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  • Dr. Sarah Johnson, a renowned archaeologist, discovers the ruins of an ancient city that was thought to be lost forever. As she explores the ruins, she uncovers secrets that were meant to stay buried. She finds evidence of a highly advanced civilization that had existed long before any other known civilization. The people of the city had developed technology that was far ahead of its time, including flying machines and advanced weaponry. However, as Dr. Johnson delves deeper into the ruins, she discovers that the people of the city had also been responsible for their own downfall. They had become too reliant on their technology and had neglected their environment. This led to a catastrophic natural disaster that destroyed their city and wiped out their civilization.
    by DJ Roche
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  • The story is about a curious dinosaur named Dino who discovers a time machine and travels to the future. In this new world, he learns to speak English and has many exciting adventures. After many years of traveling through time and space, Dino decides to return to his own time period and shares his incredible experiences with his fellow dinosaurs. From that day on, Dino becomes known as the greatest adventurer of all time, inspiring many other dinosaurs to explore the world around them and learn new things.
    by DJ Roche
    Eye Icon 45
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