My Public / Unpublished Books (6)

  • A village where shapes, numbers, and colors live. They introduce themselves in school and have a party in the garden.
    by Dudu Demir
    Eye Icon 181
  • A group of children in a polluted city take action to clean up nature, plant trees, and educate others about environmental conservation.
    by Dudu Demir
    Eye Icon 409
    Star Icon 3
  • A village where shapes, numbers, and colors introduce themselves in school and have a party.
    by Dudu Demir
    Eye Icon 33
  • Children should live in a green and clean world. Let's respect the earth and invite children to nature. Love and protect trees. Recycling is key for the beauty of nature. Study and stay close to nature. Green is the color of our nature and we must protect it. Roaming meadows with joy is what kids need. Encourage people to recycle. Respect nature to live happily.
    by Dudu Demir
    Eye Icon 407
    Star Icon 7
  • An acrostic poem about nature and the importance of protecting it, written by multiple authors from different countries.
    by Dudu Demir
    Eye Icon 301
    Star Icon 2
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