My Published Books (7)

  • A collection of math word problems for children, with varying levels of clarity and accuracy.
    by Elizabeth Emond
    Eye Icon 665
    Star Icon 23
  • A collection of math word problems for children, covering topics such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
    by Elizabeth Emond
    Eye Icon 193
    Star Icon 8
  • A group of friends go bug hunting and collect various bugs, but some escape. They try to figure out how many bugs they have now.
    by Elizabeth Emond
    Eye Icon 184
    Star Icon 7
  • A collection of math word problems for children, covering various topics such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and money.
    by Elizabeth Emond
    Eye Icon 2459
    Star Icon 57
  • A collection of short stories covering various subjects, including math, language arts, and everyday life situations.
    by Elizabeth Emond
    Eye Icon 3203
    Star Icon 71
  • A collection of math word problems for children, covering topics such as cupcakes, crayons, pools, cars, dolls, ghosts, parties, batteries, cookies, and books.
    by Elizabeth Emond
    Eye Icon 868
    Star Icon 16
  • Inside this book you'll find many Math story problems that we wrote. We hope that you have as much fun solving them as we did writing them! The Answer Key is at the back of the book.
    by Elizabeth Emond
    Eye Icon 558
    Star Icon 30
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