My Public / Unpublished Books (8)

  • by Gul Dogan
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  • This story discusses various persuasion techniques such as testimonials, scarcity, bribery, plain folks, bandwagon, flag waving, scare tactics, reasoning, repetition, card stacking, name calling, and call to action. It also includes a quiz section for readers to test their knowledge.
    by Gul Dogan
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  • by Gul Dogan
    Eye Icon 140
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  • A story about a lumberjack named Cem Shah who discovers a beautiful yard with a well full of honey. He enters the well and meets a creature named Shamaran, who becomes his friend. Eventually, Cem Shah decides to leave and return to his family.
    by Gul Dogan
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  • A Turkish family in Bulgaria has a strong and determined child named Naim who shows his strength by carrying packages. He becomes a successful weight-lifter with the support of his parents and breaks records. He then decides to meet other successful athletes and starts his journey with Şahika Ercümen, a diver who overcame illness. They plan to meet more athletes like İbrahim Çolak, Serena Williams, Simona Halep, Halet Çambel, Chelsea Werner, Yasemin Adar, Semih Saygıner, Hamza Yerlikaya, Nur Tatar Askari.
    by Gul Dogan
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  • collect moments
    by Gul Dogan
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  • by Gul Dogan
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