In the heart of Townsville, a monster named 'The Big Trouble' terrorizes the villagers. The wise wolf devises a plan to defeat the monster and save the village.
Three pixies make a blackberry pie and each secretly goes to get cream for it. They all end up with three jugs of cream and realize they are not the only ones who had the same idea.
Lok Oon catches a lizard, keeps it as a pet, and forms a bond with it. She takes care of it and even brings it to town. The story ends with a farewell.
John gets a new puppy and invites his friend Lisa over to see it. They take the puppy and Lisa's lizard to the field and have fun. Then they go to John's playroom before Lisa leaves.
In Grassland, a monster threatens the villagers. The owl king gives instructions on how to stay safe. When the monster arrives, chaos ensues, but the villagers manage to defeat it.