My Public / Unpublished Books (9)

  • Zeta meets a merman named Marinus while on vacation in Scotland. They have adventures and Zeta learns from him. At the end, Marinus has a surprise for her.
    by felekeinseattle
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  • A story about embracing one's unique hair and finding beauty in oneself.
    by felekeinseattle
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  • A brief introduction to dragons and their characteristics, followed by some dragon-related jokes.
    by felekeinseattle
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  • This is a book about a girls life
    by felekeinseattle
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  • A story about two best friends who are very similar in many ways, but also have their differences.
    by felekeinseattle
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  • A child and their mother go to a pet store to choose a new dog, but encounter dogs with different behaviors. They finally find the perfect dog.
    by felekeinseattle
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  • The book about nothing.
    by felekeinseattle
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  • This is a book about a mouse named Roochi read more to find out what happens to Roochi.
    by felekeinseattle
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  • Danny, a troublemaker, faces choices at school. He makes some bad decisions but learns from them.
    by felekeinseattle
    Eye Icon 7
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