My Public / Unpublished Books (5)

  • This story discusses various traditions and cultural practices from different countries, including evil-eye beads, folk dances, lace making, Licitar hearts, Şivlilik celebration, Henna Night, military send-off, Sacrifice Bairam, Turkish coffee, Portuguese traditions, Polish traditional costume and folk dance, Ramadan drummer, hospitality in Turkey, housewarming customs, San Fermines festival, Falla tradition, Flamenco, Camino de Santiago pilgrimage, National Sovereignty and Children's Day, Ramadan and Sacrifice feasts, Kırk Uçurma tradition, and traditional foods in Konya.
    by Feruze Erol
    Eye Icon 129
  • Challengers from 11 different countries travel around the world and fight against coronavirus. They inform children about how to protect themselves from viruses.
    by Feruze Erol
    Eye Icon 516
    Star Icon 8
  • by Feruze Erol
    Eye Icon 35
  • This book is created by the members of the eTwinning project Good Practices in English. It is done cooperatively as a writing activity.
    by Feruze Erol
    Eye Icon 235
    Star Icon 2
  • by Feruze Erol
    Eye Icon 63
    Star Icon 1
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