My Public / Unpublished Books (3)

  • A doctor saves a life and gains a friend. Two years later, they find an injured kitten during a picnic, leading to a new adventure together.
    by gaszek
    Eye Icon 57
  • A group of siblings wake up to find their school replaced by a supermarket. They discover a time machine and travel to the future where they learn that schools have been abolished. With the help of a magic key, they find the headteachers and work together to restore the school system. They successfully bring back their school and are encouraged to join an international collaboration platform for their ideal school.
    by gaszek
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  • Zbelutka's dog, eTwinning, goes missing and she receives a call from a flower collector who demands that she find three rare flowers in exchange for her dog. With the help of her friend Sadków and her cat Miaukot, Zbelutka embarks on a journey to find the flowers and save her dog.
    by gaszek
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