My Public / Unpublished Books (6)

  • a box full of old relics, a bully, and a demon necklace. how do these things correspond? read this book to find out....
    by George Wong
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  • you mysteriously jump into the story of an old poor man who battles a dragon, futuristic villains, empty belly?
    by George Wong
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  • Gingy Eberhart is a world famous detective, that finally gets off work and gets on a train to go on a date with his girlfriend. what he dosent realize though, is that this train should be the orient express, because there was a murder! will Gingy solve the mystery of tis mysterious puzzle, and save the day, or will he be kicked off of this train ride?
    by George Wong
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  • are you afraid of the dark? are you scared of what's under your bed, or in your closet? do you hate the basement? then, DONT READ THIS BOOK. but if you are scared of all these things, and you read about them anyways, then, READ THIS BOOK.
    by George Wong
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  • when jackson marazari finds a mysterious package inside his lunch, he doesent know what to do, except open it. what does he find? who put that package, and why?
    by George Wong
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  • water is a wonderful element, that is before it tries to kill you. follow jamey as he tries muraciously to save his friends, and his little sister, as a tsunami is about to destroy his town!
    by George Wong
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