My Public / Unpublished Books (11)

  • A recipe for potato patties that includes ingredients and a process for making them. Written by Ali Eren D./İsmail Hakkı Tonguç İmam Hatip Secondary School/TURKEY.
    by Gevher Uğurlu
    Eye Icon 137
  • Zeynep, a 10-year-old student, participates in an art competition and wins a sightseeing holiday with foreign students. They visit Istanbul's famous landmarks.
    by Gevher Uğurlu
    Eye Icon 444
    Star Icon 1
  • A bear named Bobo and an Eskimo child named Noata become friends and work together to raise awareness about global warming and pollution.
    by Gevher Uğurlu
    Eye Icon 379
    Star Icon 3
  • by Gevher Uğurlu
    Eye Icon 494
    Star Icon 8
  • by Gevher Uğurlu
    Eye Icon 77
    Star Icon 1
  • This book includes our students' mindmapping activities.
    by Gevher Uğurlu
    Eye Icon 92
  • Geppetto, a poor carpenter, creates a wooden puppet named Pinocchio who comes to life. Pinocchio goes to school, but gets into trouble and learns valuable lessons.
    by Gevher Uğurlu
    Eye Icon 409
    Star Icon 5
  • Three little lambs, Pinky, Browny, and Wisy, leave their mother's house to build their own homes. Pinky and Browny choose easy materials, but Wisy builds a strong brick house. When the Big Bad Wolf comes, only Wisy's house withstands his huffs and puffs.
    by Gevher Uğurlu
    Eye Icon 179
    Star Icon 4
  • Three Little Lambs leave their old and weak mother to build their own houses. Pinky and Browny build weak houses, while Wisy builds a strong brick house. The Big Bad Wolf blows down the first two houses but fails at the brick house.
    by Gevher Uğurlu
    Eye Icon 351
    Star Icon 3

My Collection - "English Stories" Follow Collection


My Collection - "The Future Is Now/Climate Change eStory Completion" Follow Collection


My Collection - "The Future Is Now/World Health Day" Follow Collection


My Collection - "This Is The Way We Have Breakfast Popplet Book" Follow Collection




My Collection - "THIS IS THE WAY WE HAVE BREAKFAST" Follow Collection


My Collection - "Books I Like" Follow Collection

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