My Public / Unpublished Books (5)

  • Twilight Sparkle, a princess from Equestria, travels to another world as a human to find her stolen crown. With her new friends, she forms a band and competes in a competition. They find the crown and say goodbye.
    by gingercat_fluffy
    Eye Icon 279
    Star Icon 4
  • This book is about two girls going to there favorite band concert.
    by gingercat_fluffy
    Eye Icon 63
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  • A book about the author, Ocha, who shares personal information such as their name, age, birthday, hobbies, favorite things, and friends.
    by gingercat_fluffy
    Eye Icon 21
  • Fifi, a fairy, introduces her friends Hayley, Olivia, Amy, and her cat Fluffy. They have unique characteristics and enjoy each other's company.
    by gingercat_fluffy
    Eye Icon 132
    Star Icon 13
  • This book is about a girl having a fun birthday and having a great present!
    by gingercat_fluffy
    Eye Icon 165
    Star Icon 8

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