My Public / Unpublished Books (9)

  • A fisherman catches a magical fish that grants wishes. His wife's greed leads them from a cottage to a castle, and finally to her becoming emperor, but her happiness fades with each wish.
    by Georgia Karabali
  • Recepty na tradičné jedlá vrátane vianočných guľôčok, kutie a holubcov, s podrobným postupom a ingredienciami na prípravu.
    by Georgia Karabali
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  • A group of students travels to London for a poster competition, exploring the city, making friends, and discovering the importance of English in connecting people.
    by Georgia Karabali
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  • This project aims to teach beginner level students new English words while having fun and developing their digital skills. It involves collaboration with students from different countries and schools.
    by Georgia Karabali
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  • A book about Greek Christmas traditions, including caroling, decorating, Santa Claus, Vasilopita, and Epiphany celebrations.
    by Georgia Karabali
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  • The story provides information about various landmarks and attractions in different countries, including Italy, Greece, Turkey, Croatia, Romania, and Ukraine.
    by Georgia Karabali
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  • Today's education tools are limitless, but engagement is key. Gamification enhances learning by creating an immersive and motivating experience.
    by Georgia Karabali
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  • The "Twinbus" is on tour. The students-passengers, introduce you to the countries, the Twinbus will pass through.
    by Georgia Karabali
    Eye Icon 49
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