My Public / Unpublished Books (6)

  • Autumn is a wonderful season full of magic and brightness. In haiku students tried to show their thoughts about autumn
    by оксана Струтинская
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  • A description of various traditional Ukrainian holidays and their customs, including St. Catherine's Day, St. Andrew's Day, St. Nicholas Day, Christmas, Malanka, Baptism of Jesus, and Maslyana.
    by оксана Струтинская
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  • According to Ukrainian tradition, the Holy Supper on Christmas Eve is a meatless feast consisting of 12 dishes. The main dish is Kutya, made with wheat kernels, honey, poppy seed, and walnuts. Other dishes include Borschch, Vushka, Potato holubtsi, Cabbage with beans, Buckwheat pancakes, Marinated mushrooms, Oseledets (Marinated herring), White bean salad, and Uzvar.
    by оксана Струтинская
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  • This book is created by my students, in which they wrote about their favourite subjects at school. It's not a fiction story, this book is simply the collection of my students' thoughts
    by оксана Струтинская
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  • Can you imagine autumn without pumpkins? We use them as decorations and they become an integral part of our meals. Bui we cook only some dishes like soup, porrige or pies. together with our students we gathered the family recipes of pumpkin dishes and propose you to choose and prepare some of them,
    by оксана Струтинская
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  • One dull and rainy October morning students were waiting for their teacher to come and start the lesson.She came in but she looked so strange that children were surprised.They forgot about everything and suddenly mysterious things had happenned to them. What things? Read the book and you will learn!
    by оксана Струтинская
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