My Public / Unpublished Books (1)

  • Title: Exploring the Farm with Lily

    Join Lily, an adorable and curious toddler, on her first-ever trip to a farm!

    Discover the wonders of nature through Lily's innocent eyes and genuine excitement.

    Laugh and smile as Lily meets fluffy chicks, playful piglets, and interacts with friendly farm animals.

    Explore a colorful vegetable and fruit field, and wander through a magical garden of vibrant flowers.

    Experience the joy of discovery and the beauty of farm life with Lily's heartwarming adventure.

    Perfect for children aged 2-4 years old, this enchanting story sparks imagination and encourages a love for nature.

    A delightful and educational read, teaching kids about animals, fruits, vegetables, and the simple joys of exploration.

    Cherish the family bonding moments as Lily's parents share in her excitement and wonder.

    An engaging bedtime story that leaves young readers with dreams of their own magical farm adventures.

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    by Admin Kysar
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