My Public / Unpublished Books (6)

  • A simple and short poem that teaches children how to count up to ten, with a surprise mention of cowboy hats.
    by iMarco
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  • A girl named Sarah went away and met a little girl
    by iMarco
    Eye Icon 12
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  • A mama and papa bird celebrate the birth of their baby, Ashley, with other birds. They read stories to Ashley before bedtime.
    by iMarco
    Eye Icon 68
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  • A lesson of not to be selfish to people so that you have friends
    by iMarco
    Eye Icon 134
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  • A grandpa finds a mysterious nut that grows into a giant daffodil, causing chaos and intrigue.
    by iMarco
    Eye Icon 22
  • A Make-believe story that a boy named Joshua see a giant.
    by iMarco
    Eye Icon 42
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