My Published Books (1)

  • This is a story of a young island girl born and raised on the island of Saipan. I wanted to write this story in a way that will get young readers engaged on the concept of cultural diversity. I considered the fact that not many kids have ever been to a beach, while others have never seen snow. As an islander, I feel that being raised by a beach, not to mention a tropical island, plays a huge impact on my culture. Thus, I wanted to share more about my island as it seems that Pacific Islanders are often underrepresented especially when teaching about cultural diversity to early childhood years.
    by Cindy Benavente
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My Public / Unpublished Books (1)

  • This book is about embracing cultural friendships. Also, connects with cultural diversity in schools and helps students, especially those in the early childhood years be more exposed to the different kinds of cultures, etc.
    by Cindy Benavente
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