My Public / Unpublished Books (14)

  • With this book, I want to tell people to follow their dreams and do what they think is right for them. So what you like!
    by Renuka Rao
  • Here's a book all about me!
    by Renuka Rao
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  • I really like Pokemon. So here's a list of my from every letter. I hope you like it! Enjoy!
    by Renuka Rao
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  • I love Harry Potter and I know many characters. So I decided to publish this book on storyjumper
    by Renuka Rao
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  • Max, a boy interested in space, has a dream where he goes to space, meets aliens, and then wakes up realizing it was all a dream.
    by Renuka Rao
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  • A boy named Harry helps an injured fairy and is granted three wishes. He uses them selfishly but learns a lesson in the end.
    by Renuka Rao
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  • by Renuka Rao
  • by Renuka Rao
  • Online schooling can be tough. Let's see Sarah's experience
    by Renuka Rao
  • Five friends have a sleepover and play hide-and-seek. They mistake Jack for a mummy, but it turns out he got stuck in ribbons. They all laugh.
    by Renuka Rao
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  • A story about a girl and her pet.
    by Renuka Rao
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  • Two sisters, Julia and Jill, have pets who help their family. Candy the cat is afraid of the kitchen, but with support from Julia and Jill, she overcomes her fear.
    by Renuka Rao
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  • A teddy bear named Teddy experiences his first Christmas with his owner Sophia, including playing in the snow, receiving a gift, and feeling loved.
    by Renuka Rao
  • A king must choose his successor among his three sons. With the help of a clever man, they undergo a test to determine who is fit to be the next king.
    by Renuka Rao
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