My Published Books (1)

  • I Hope everyone enjoys this book. I wrote this with my 11 yo daughter at the time, to give a voice to all young girls who are in that in-between age of im not a little girl, but who is also not quite a teenager. It is my hope that everyone can relate to this book when reading it, people of all ages this might just be the book that takes you back in time when you were this age wanting to have a voice to be heard. If you would like to reach me you can do so at: [email protected] You can also visit our instagram page at @welcometotruedna where you will find a link in our bio about all current and upcoming projects and all things TWEEN ❤️
    by Jackie Lacey
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My Public / Unpublished Books (1)

  • I Hope everyone enjoys this book. I wrote this with my daughter, in hopes to have an outlook in life as a young girl who's not quite a teenager, but no longer wants to be looked at as a little girl. If you would like to reach me you can do so at [email protected] You can also visit our instagram page at @thedayinthelifeofatween
    by Jackie Lacey
    Eye Icon 25
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