My Public / Unpublished Books (6)

  • Joyah, a fifth-grade student from Nevada, participates in the Great Mail Race and writes a letter to a fifth-grade class in Maryland, sharing information about her school, state, and asking questions about Maryland.
    by jd1355951
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  • June recounts her experience on a boat with Christopher Columbus, facing a storm and returning home.
    by jd1355951
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  • The story argues against having fast food at school due to health concerns like weight gain, allergies, and child obesity.
    by jd1355951
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  • The story is a collection of short narratives from the perspective of a young girl named Joyah. She shares her experiences, dreams, and interests, including opening a Christmas present, her love for reading, gymnastics, crafts, her ideas as a mayor, her dream to be a flight attendant, an imaginary war in space, and overcoming her fear of rides.
    by jd1355951
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  • A child receives a present with multiple layers of wrapping and finally discovers an iPhone 5s.
    by jd1355951
  • The narrator explains why they have 'swag' by listing their achievements in various areas and setting goals for themselves.
    by jd1355951
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