My Public / Unpublished Books (3)

  • Cuphead, a playful cup, sneaks out to play with his brother Mugman after getting grounded. He faces challenges and meets characters while running through the Inkwell Isles, ultimately reuniting with Mugman for a happy ending.
    by Juniper Davin
    Eye Icon 50
  • A mouse named Bob, born a rat, feels unloved by his siblings. He ventures out, meets friends, and faces challenges, ultimately discovering his talent as a chef in France.
    by Juniper Davin
    Eye Icon 22
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  • Reese Riding Hood is sent to deliver biscuits to her grandmother….Except she goes to the wrong house, the Hares’ house. What happens next? Read this book to find out.
    by Juniper Davin
    Eye Icon 30
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