My Public / Unpublished Books (6)

  • A princess named Neha dreams of leaving her tower. When a man steals her crown, she strikes him with a pan, mistaking him for a monster.
    by Jovinrijoe Johnbritto
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  • by Jovinrijoe Johnbritto
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  • A boy asks for water, gets milk, and later becomes a doctor who helps the girl who helped him. A heartwarming story of gratitude and kindness.
    by Jovinrijoe Johnbritto
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  • A child wakes up to find dinosaurs outside their window, escapes and finds safety on an island with other people.
    by Jovinrijoe Johnbritto
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  • by Jovinrijoe Johnbritto
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  • A thirsty fox tricks a goat into jumping into a well, then abandons it. The goat is left to figure out how to escape on its own.
    by Jovinrijoe Johnbritto
    Eye Icon 45
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