My Public / Unpublished Books (9)

  • This story provides information about the invention of various devices such as calculators, cameras, sound equipment, radios, washing machines, televisions, computers, microwaves, cell phones, and tablets. It includes details about their creators, when and where they were created, and their prices. The story lacks clear organization and coherence, and there are some errors in grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and spelling.
    by katyalorena
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  • A biography of Taylor Swift, discussing her childhood, career, and personal challenges she has faced.
    by katyalorena
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  • An overview of Costa Rica's healthcare system, lifestyle, and sports. Discusses the country's excellent healthcare, 'pura vida' philosophy, and diverse sports and nature.
    by katyalorena
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  • by katyalorena
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  • The story provides information about different volcanoes and tourist attractions, including Santa Ana Volcano, Conchagua Volcano, Cuco Beach, El Tunco Beach, Niagara Falls, Iguazu Falls, Titicaca Lake, and Coatepeque Lake.
    by katyalorena
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  • by katyalorena
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  • by katyalorena
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  • A student shares their passion for playing the piano, how they learned it, and its impact on their life. They also express a desire to learn other instruments.
    by katyalorena
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  • A brief history of the Jeep company and its founder, with information on its creation, location, employees, and rules.
    by katyalorena
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