My Published Books (1)

  • Chen Chen's Adventures in English was inspired by the author's experiences while teaching English online to students in China. At first, Chen Chen is a bit confused at the idea of an 'online teacher' who lives in America. He is also a little unsure how he will like it. Once he meets Teacher Kim 'on his computer', he discovers the joy of online learning and can't wait to take more English classes.
    Watching the students grow in their speaking confidence and in their online experience has been a true joy for "Teacher Kim" and she wanted to share a small piece of that experience with the world through a children's book. Thank you for reading and sharing!
    by Kimberly Klasnic
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My Public / Unpublished Books (1)

  • The Blue Kitten was inspired by a class that I teach on Outschool called "Learning the Parts of a Book." I was also excited to narrate it for my grandchildren! I hope you like it, too!
    by Kimberly Klasnic
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