My Public / Unpublished Books (1)

  • It's an exciting day for Mia, Sam and their classmates as they head on their end-of-year school trip from Sunnydale Elementary. Although they aren't sure where they're going at first, the students cheer when their teacher Ms. Johnson reveals they're visiting the zoo.

    At the zoo, Mia and Sam have a wonderful time exploring all the animal exhibits together. They see monkeys, lions, penguins, giraffes and more. After a delicious picnic lunch, the afternoon brings aquariums full of fish and encounters with bears, elephants and flamingos.

    Too soon, it's time to board the bus for the ride home. With ice cream cones in hand and memories of the animals fresh in their minds, the students agree it was the best field trip ever. Back at school, Mia and Sam relive the magical day through drawings and conversations with friends. Their trip to the zoo creates lasting memories and learning that will inspire the class for years to come.
    by kingwilson
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