My Published Books (1)

My Public / Unpublished Books (13)

  • The famous poem told by me Mr. Lawson with beautiful pictures found on the internet.
    by Kenneth Lawson
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  • An alphabet book featuring Halloween-themed words, from Apple to Zombie, with fun descriptions for each letter.
    by Kenneth Lawson
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  • by Kenneth Lawson
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  • A collection of short poems and stories for children, covering various topics such as history, friendship, animals, and sports.
    by Kenneth Lawson
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  • A collection of short profiles of students at Geiger Elementary, including their favorite subjects and activities, future plans, and advice for incoming students.
    by Kenneth Lawson
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  • Students either selected a poem to perform or used a poem they created. Hope you enjoy. Leave us a comment.
    by Kenneth Lawson
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  • A collection of popular children's nursery rhymes and songs, including 'Five Little Monkeys', 'ABC Song', 'BINGO!', 'Alice The Camel', 'A Sailor Went To Sea', 'Mary had a Little Lamb', 'Jack & Jill', 'Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush', 'Hickory Dickory Dock', 'Five Little Ducks', 'Rock-A-Bye Baby', '12345 Once I Caught A Fish Alive', 'Baa Baa Black Sheep', 'Row, Row, Row Your Boat', and 'Humpty Dumpty'.
    by Kenneth Lawson
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  • A collection of popular nursery rhymes and children's songs, including 'Alice the Camel,' 'Hickory Dickory Dock,' 'Rock-A-Bye Baby,' and more.
    by Kenneth Lawson
    Eye Icon 124
  • A collection of short stories and poems about various topics, including going to the beach, graduation, and self-reflection.
    by Kenneth Lawson
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  • A collection of graduation-themed poems and stories for children, with varying levels of organization, development, vocabulary, and grammar.
    by Kenneth Lawson
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  • by Kenneth Lawson
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  • A collection of short poems and personal stories about important people in the authors' lives, with a mix of emotions and experiences.
    by Kenneth Lawson
    Eye Icon 71
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  • by Kenneth Lawson
    Eye Icon 6
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