My Published Books (9)

  • Loretta Hen and Farmer Bob go about their daily routine on the farm, with a humorous mishap involving Loretta Hen's poop on the porch.
    by Kimberly Wasilewski
    Eye Icon 563
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  • Loretta Hen and Farmer Bob go about their day, encountering mischief and ending with a peaceful night in the coop.
    by Kimberly Wasilewski
    Eye Icon 30
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  • Loretta Hen gets scared by loud noises and is unhappy when Farmer Bob cuts down trees. She goes missing but is found and returned to her coop.
    by Kimberly Wasilewski
    Eye Icon 23
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  • Farmer Bob gets trapped in Loretta Hen's coop but manages to escape with Loretta's help.
    by Kimberly Wasilewski
    Eye Icon 9
  • Loretta Hen faces challenges in the cold weather, but Farmer Bob comes up with solutions to keep her warm and safe.
    by Kimberly Wasilewski
    Eye Icon 86
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  • Loretta Hen is let out of the coop by Farmer Bob, but gets upset when he cleans it. They both end their day happily.
    by Kimberly Wasilewski
    Eye Icon 24
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  • Loretta Hen is excited to meet visitors at the farm, but gets scared when they chase her. Farmer Bob saves her and she waits for his return.
    by Kimberly Wasilewski
    Eye Icon 22
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  • A day in the life of Farmer Bob and his hen, Loretta. They interact, eat popcorn, and go to bed.
    by Kimberly Wasilewski
    Eye Icon 47
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  • Loretta Hen and Farmer Bob face a challenge when it starts raining, but they find a solution and safely get Loretta to her coop.
    by Kimberly Wasilewski
    Eye Icon 72
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