My Public / Unpublished Books (7)

  • This book is funny and easy to read about going on an adventure!
    by kmschwenk
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  • Nathan and Mia find a moose named Coco in their backyard. They go on an adventure with him and return home safely.
    by kmschwenk
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  • Read this funny book about nerds facing masters!
    by kmschwenk
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  • by kmschwenk
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  • A child explores a magical book in the forest, discovering different actions to perform on dots that create various effects.
    by kmschwenk
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  • This is a story about two lonley dogs that live in an animal shelter. Its Lilly the dogs B-day and the pet keepers blow up balloons and draw faces on them. Magicly, the ballons come to life and adopt Lilly and her friend,cassie. The balloon friends and the dogs live in a cabin now. The dogs have to watch out for the balloons so they dont pop or blow away in the wind. The balloons have to watch out for the dogs so wild animals dont get them.
    by kmschwenk
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  • This book tells all about my GX and EX pokemon cards.
    by kmschwenk
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