My Published Books (1)

  • A family goes on an exciting adventure to Egypt, visiting the pyramids, Nile River, Cairo, and the desert. They learn Arabic and hope to return one day.
    by Lisa Mitchell
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My Public / Unpublished Books (11)

  • A child recounts their exciting adventure in Kenya, visiting Amboseli National Park, a farm, and the capital city of Nairobi.
    by Lisa Mitchell
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  • A travelogue of a family's adventure in Sudan, visiting landmarks, experiencing local culture, and expressing gratitude.
    by Lisa Mitchell
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  • A family goes on an exciting adventure to the Solomon Islands, visiting islands, seeing the Pacific Ocean, touring the capital city, and eating fish.
    by Lisa Mitchell
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  • A group goes on an exciting adventure to Tuvalu, visiting coconut palm trees, islands, the capital city, and eating coconuts. They say goodbye in Tuvaluan and English, hoping to return one day.
    by Lisa Mitchell
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  • A family goes on an exciting adventure to Tonga, visiting different islands, experiencing the culture, and saying goodbye in English and Tongan.
    by Lisa Mitchell
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  • A travelogue of a family's adventure in Kiribati, visiting different islands, experiencing the local culture, and expressing gratitude.
    by Lisa Mitchell
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  • A travelogue of a family's adventure in Papua New Guinea, exploring volcanoes, coral reefs, and the capital city, with a glimpse into the local language and culture.
    by Lisa Mitchell
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  • A family goes on an exciting adventure to Samoa, visiting different islands, experiencing the local culture, and saying goodbye in Samoan and English.
    by Lisa Mitchell
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  • A family goes on an exciting adventure to Australia, visiting famous landmarks, encountering unique wildlife, and bidding farewell in English.
    by Lisa Mitchell
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  • A family goes on an exciting adventure to Fiji, visiting volcanoes, coral reefs, the capital city, a farm, and eating coconuts. They say goodbye in English, Fijian, and Hindustani.
    by Lisa Mitchell
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  • A family goes on an exciting adventure to New Zealand, visiting various landmarks and experiencing the culture.
    by Lisa Mitchell
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