My Public / Unpublished Books (3)

  • Join Claws the Crab, Spinner the Spider, Mischief the Monkey, Tilly the Turtle, and Cleo the Cat on an exciting and adventurous journey to find their missing sock, Socky. Along the way, they encounter a variety of friendly and not-so-friendly creatures, including Gulliver the Seagull, Flipper the Dolphin, Hoot the Owl, and Sparky the Puppy. They travel through beautiful and varied locations, using their wit, resourcefulness, and determination to overcome obstacles and solve the mystery of the missing sock. Will they be able to find Socky and bring him home safely? Find out in this heartwarming tale of friendship and adventure.
    by Leroy Steigerwalt
    Eye Icon 59
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  • The Stemsters, a group of pirates, need help hiding their overflowing treasure chests. Readers join the crew and learn about the STEM process to solve the problem.
    by Leroy Steigerwalt
    Eye Icon 50
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  • A read aloud for one of The STEMSTERS hands-on STEM activities which can be found for free on ThatTechCoach1 TeacherPayTeachers.
    by Leroy Steigerwalt
    Eye Icon 14
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