My Public / Unpublished Books (8)

  • A family of birds go on a journey to find their mother who is trapped in a cave, and they all have a meal together when they return.
    by lovefeast
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  • A story about a trip to the beach with cousins, followed by unexpected adventures and fun.
    by lovefeast
    Eye Icon 21
  • Isaac Newton's curiosity about why an apple fell from a tree led to his discovery of the law of gravity, which explained how objects fall and how planets move. Edmund Halley used Newton's theory to predict the return of Halley's Comet.
    by lovefeast
    Eye Icon 21
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  • i am grand that you people like my story i will write story again for you people that am i suppose to write
    by lovefeast
    Eye Icon 110
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  • A rhyming story about five mischievous monkeys who jump on a bed and get injured, prompting their mother to call the doctor.
    by lovefeast
    Eye Icon 393
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  • Zoe and her brothers visit a mysterious old house in Scotland. Strange things happen, but they eventually settle in for the night.
    by lovefeast
    Eye Icon 94
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  • A lion spares a mouse's life, and later the mouse helps free the lion from hunters. The moral is that little friends can be great friends.
    by lovefeast
    Eye Icon 15
  • by lovefeast
    Eye Icon 37

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