My Public / Unpublished Books (7)

  • A lion organizes a running race in the jungle, and a rabbit helps a fallen wolf. Later, all animals compete in a triathlon and celebrate their friendship.
    by A Mariana
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  • This is a project about the ocean's influence on us and our influence on the ocean. It aims to engage students in actions that focus on ocean pollution, causes, consequences, and possible solutions.
    by A Mariana
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    by A Mariana
    Eye Icon 89
  • Once upon a time in a far away land, there was a forest. Three friends - a bear, a rabbit, and a lion - spent most of their time together. One day, they noticed a big hole in the middle of the forest. They found a boy named Peter who ran away from school. The animals convinced Peter to go back to school with them.
    by A Mariana
    Eye Icon 151
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  • Carte editabila cu activitati legate de protectia apelor
    by A Mariana
    Eye Icon 6
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