My Published Books (1)

  • Three siblings, Tio, Violet, and Miracle, separated at birth, reunite on their 13th birthdays. They discover they were born in a cave under a volcano and their parents were on a secret mission to find the lost phoenix stone.
    by Makayla Labbe
    Eye Icon 161
    Star Icon 15

My Public / Unpublished Books (4)

  • A little fun facts about frenchies
    by Makayla Labbe
    Eye Icon 30
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  • Emma, a little girl, has a strange encounter with a tea truck that turns her skin rainbow. She seeks medical help but is left without answers. The next day, she wakes up teal.
    by Makayla Labbe
    Eye Icon 29
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  • A short book about a fairy named Emma who has a fun adventure.
    by Makayla Labbe
    Eye Icon 34
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  • A girl named Tess encounters a fairy on a hill and convinces her skeptical mom of its existence.
    by Makayla Labbe
    Eye Icon 29
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